
Friday, December 20, 2024


A Sweet Journey: From Egg Beater to Electric Mixer

In my childhood home, baking was a rare occurrence. My mom occasionally whipped up Toll House cookies or, on very special occasions, a boxed cake. But I loved baking. I'd watch my grandmother create delicious treats from boxed mixes, making it look like so much fun.

Our family wasn't well-off, and my mother wasn't much of a baker. So, when we did bake, we used an eggbeater to mix the batter. For those unfamiliar with this tool, it's a hand-held device with a crank that you manually turn to rotate the beaters. It worked well enough for cake batter, which is relatively thin. But for cookie dough, it was a real workout! Creaming butter was nearly impossible. Sometimes, when making a cake, the beaters would slip, splattering batter everywhere. As a young child, controlling this unwieldy device was a challenge.

I'd heard about electric hand mixers and dreamed of having one. Imagine - plug it in, and the machine does all the work! It even had different speeds. My arm-powered eggbeater had only one speed: slow and getting slower as I tired. When I asked my mother if we could get an electric mixer, she didn't see the need, given how rarely we baked. Money was tight, and my dream seemed out of reach.

But I wasn't ready to give up. Though I had no money and no idea how much a mixer cost, I was determined to find a way.

One day, my mom came home from the A&P, our local grocery store, with a Plaid Stamps catalog. Plaid Stamps, like Green Stamps, were trading stamps popular in the 1960s. You'd receive stamps based on how much you spent at the store, paste them into booklets, and redeem them for household items at a Plaid Stamp store. Mom usually threw the stamps away, having no interest in collecting them.

As I browsed through the catalog, marveling at all the items available, I spotted it - the hand-held mixer I longed for. It was my "Red Ryder Air Rifle" moment, and suddenly, I saw a path to making my baking dreams come true.

It took me about a year to collect enough booklets for the electric hand mixer. The day finally came when my mother took me to the Plaid Stamp store. With those precious booklets clutched tightly in my hand, I approached the counter and exchanged them for the most beautiful hand mixer I'd ever seen.

I had done it! Through perseverance and determination, I had found a way to achieve my goal without money. This experience taught me a valuable lesson: with patience and creativity, even seemingly impossible dreams can become reality.

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